The Latest News

Sacramento, CA – With a unanimous show of support in the Assembly Thursday, Senator Mike McGuire’s bill that will assist rural counties by again requiring the State to fund Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) reimbursements to counties will now head to Governor Brown’s desk for his signature.

Sacramento, CA – Senator Mike McGuire, chairman of the Joint Committee on Fisheries and Aquaculture, will convene a special hearing on August 10 at the State Capitol to receive a progress report on the 2015-16 crab season, the federal disaster declaration, ocean conditions and Domoic acid levels along with new potential rules and guidelines which are responding to this year’s disastrous season.

Sacramento, CA – Last year, after the death of Mr. Henry Trione, Congressman Mike Thompson and State Senator Mike McGuire brought forward an official request to add Mr. Trione’s name to Annadel State Park after his death at age 95.

Sacramento, CA – Today, Governor Jerry Brown signed into law the No Place Like Home Initiative – a landmark bipartisan legislative initiative to provide $2 billion for housing and services for homeless Californians.

Sacramento, CA – Senator Mike McGuire today shepherded legislation on the Senate Floor to put a measure on the November ballot that will make theft of a firearm a felony regardless of the value of the gun.

Sacramento, CA – Last year’s crab season delay had a disastrous impact on our state’s fishing industry, and it wasn’t great news for humpback whales either – California saw a record number of entanglements off the Coast.

Sacramento, CA – In less than a week’s time, Senator Mike McGuire’s bill to combat the over-prescription of powerful psychotropic medication among our state’s foster youth has been approved overwhelmingly by two Assembly committees on its way to creating a formal on-going process for the California Medical Board to review and confidentially investigate psychotropic medication prescription patterns outside the standard of care.

Sacramento, CA – Senator Mike McGuire’s bill that will again require the State to make Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) payments to counties received unanimous bipartisan support in the Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee this morning.