The Latest News

Sacramento, CA – California State Senator Mike McGuire took the oath of office again on Monday, kicking off his second term as the North Coast’s Senator as family members, friends and supporters looked on.

After holding two statewide housing hearings this fall and extensive meetings with stakeholders across California, legislators plan to overhaul state approach to housing crisis.

Wednesday's 1pm hearing will be focused on reducing the risk of whale entanglements and the latest information on the current Dungeness crab season.

Funding through $2 billion bond moving forward, over $500 million additionally allocated for counties and cities by State.

First hearing on Tuesday will assess funding for affordable housing.

Sacramento, CA – For decades, the State of California has required fish landing receipts to be completed by hand and submitted via the US Mail twice per month.

Sacramento, CA – Senator Mike McGuire’s landmark legislation establishing statewide emergency alert protocols and regulation became law today when SB 833 was signed by Governor Jerry Brown.

Sacramento, CA – Senator Mike McGuire’s legislation that cuts through red tape and expedites Quagga Mussel inspection programs at Lake Mendocino and Lake Sonoma has been signed by the Governor.